Led by Argonne National Laboratory, is centered on integrating modules for urban atmosphere and infrastructure heat exchange and air flow; building energy demand at district or city-scale, generation, and use; urban dynamics and activity-based decision, behavioral, and socioeconomic models; population mobility and transportation; energy systems; and water resources.
Applications: Additional Projects
MFiX-Exa: Performance Prediction of Multiphase Energy Conversion Devices
Led by the National Energy Technology Laboratory, is concerned with high-fidelity modeling capability to guide the scale-up of laboratory designs of multiphase chemical looping reactors to industrial size. This effort is required to impact design decisions and drive large-scale commercial deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and meet the U.S. Department of Energy’s CCS goals.
ExaFEL: Data Analytics at the Exascale for Free Electron Lasers
Led by the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, will support research in protein structures and dynamics and 3D molecular structure design of engineering functional properties. This project will work closely with Berkeley Lab’s Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA) and ESnet, DOE’s high-speed network.