Design Space Exploration
Design Space Exploration While many details of exascale computer architectures remain undefined, one thing is certain: Exascale machines will be very different from today’s supercomputers. In order to deliver 50 – 100 times today’s performance (while also keeping energy consumption at acceptable levels) vendors will need to make aggressive, fundamental changes to the processor and machine architectures that scientific codes have relied on for decades. By working closely with…
ARTEMIS (Adaptive mesh Refinement Time-domain ElectrodynaMIcs Solver) couples the Maxwell’s equations implementation in WarpX with classical equations that describe quantum material behavior for quantifying the performance of next-generation microelectronics.
Beyond Moore’s Law
What will scientific computing at scale look like in 2030? With the impending demise of Moore’s Law, there are still more questions than answers for users and manufacturers of HPC technologies as they try to figure out what their next best investments should be. Berkeley Lab’s John Shalf shares his thoughts on what the future holds for computing technologies and architectures in the exascale era and beyond.