Berkeley Lab is a partner in the ExaLearn co-design center which will provide exascale machine learning software for use by ECP Applications projects, other ECP Co-Design Centers and DOE experimental facilities and leadership class computing facilities.
Hardware/Software Co-Design for Exascale
Berkeley Lab supports three co-design centers under the Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP). It leads the Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Co-Design Center and partners with other national labs and universities in the ExaGraph and ExaLearn Co-Design Centers.
ExaGraph Co-Design Center
Berkeley Lab is a partner in the ECP Co-Design Center that focuses on Graph Analytics — combinatorial (graph) kernels that play a crucial enabling role in many data analytic computing (DAC) application areas as well as several ECP applications.
Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Co-Design Center
Berkeley Lab leads this Co-Design Center which is developing a new framework for block-structured AMR algorithms on exascale architectures.