Berkeley Lab supports three co-design centers under the Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP). It leads the Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Co-Design Center and partners with other national labs and universities in the ExaGraph and ExaLearn Co-Design Centers.
ExaLearn Co-Design Center
Berkeley Lab is a partner in the ExaLearn co-design center which will provide exascale machine learning software for use by ECP Applications projects, other ECP Co-Design Centers and DOE experimental…
ExaGraph Co-Design Center
Berkeley Lab is a partner in the ECP Co-Design Center that focuses on Graph Analytics — combinatorial (graph) kernels that play a crucial enabling role in many data analytic computing…
Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Co-Design Center
Berkeley Lab leads this Co-Design Center which is developing a new framework for block-structured AMR algorithms on exascale architectures.
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FFTX Project
FFTX is the exascale follow-on to the FFTW open-source discrete Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) package for executing the FFT as well as higher-level operations composed of linear operations combined with…
ExaStar Takes Astrophysical Research to the Exascale
Berkeley Lab’s team of ExaStar researchers is focused on simulating explosive astrophysical events to address fundamental questions in nuclear astrophysics.
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